The Environmental Council (EC) created a “Green Sheet” or Project Initiation Form over ten years ago to encourage UNE community members to innovate sustainability projects and provide an avenue for these projects to be endorsed and subsequently approved by senior administration. Some projects need endorsement by the Environmental Council to proceed because funding is required, while some projects seek endorsement to lend validity to the project. EC endorsement is also a means of making university constituents aware of the project’s existence. Additionally, the EC Project Initiation Form mimics the format of many grant applications. Gaining experience in organizing a sustainability project into proposal format and advocating for project endorsement are valuable skills for undergraduate students to practice.
You will need the Environmental Council project initiation form which can be downloaded here:
Assignments Related to Project Completion:
Project Proposal Exemplars
These files will give you a sense of how the project proposal should be laid out and the kind of depth that you should expect to go into when writing each section. Note that two proposals were written by students and two by faculty members.
Class Lecture on Project Management:
Class Lecture on Project Proposal Assignment: